Recognised DDE/SW-B/Z-22//2002/194 Affiliated No.- UC-581/2730445

Student's Guidlines
  1. Punctuality and regularity in attendance, proper dress, identity card, earnest effort in home work, assignment and gentlemanly behaviour in and outside the school are always insisted upon. In all matters, the parents cooperation is expected at all times.
  2. Pupils who are absent on the first day of any term, or who are away from school for five consecutive days without permission may have their names removed from the register and will be re-admitted only if there is a vacancy and on payment of usual entrance fee. In all the cases of leave or absence for more than 3 days, prior permission from the Principal should be obtained.
  3. The management reserves the right to dismiss a student who continuously fails to make satisfactory progress in his/her studies or whose conduct is in any way detrimental to the orderly life of the school.
  4. Students are strictly forbidden to bring objectionable literature into the school or to purchase any article of food from unauthorized dealer at or near the school premises.
  5. If absence on account of illness is for more than three days, the application for the leave must be made to the Principal accompanied by a Doctor’s certificate.
  6. Absenteeism during examination will be considered as having failed, unless it is established that the absence was due to illness.
  7. Damage to school property, however small, will be condemned, stringent disciplinary measures will be taken against such offenders. Besides, parents will be required to compensate the loss.
  8. The school is not responsible for goods lost. Therefore, it is advisable not to bring expensive watches, pens, gold ornaments etc. to the school.
  9. On their way to and from school, students must keep in mind that they are judged by their conduct. They should greet the teachers of the school when they meet them. It is being of course understood that teachers return their pupil’s greetings.
  10. In the absence of the teacher in the class, students must obey the Prefect or Monitor appointed by the class teacher, to maintain discipline.
  11. Cycles must be kept locked. Riding cycles in the school compound is strictly prohibited.
  12. Any complaint regarding cleanliness, sanitation, electric fitting or water supply should be brought to the notice of the receptionist and recorded in the register, kept at the reception.
  13. While moving in the corridors or using staircase students should walk in a line and keep to their left. Loitering in the corridors shall not be tolerated.
  14. Loitering in the School Reception area is strictly forbidden.
  15. It is compulsory for all students to attend the assembly. No student shall stay back in the class during assembly without prior permission from the respective coordinators.
  16. Coming late to class especially after lunch break, games period or any other activity is not allowed.
  17. Firing crackers or splashing colours during Diwali/Holi in the school premises is strictly forbidden. Non compliance of these instructions can lead to expulsion from the school.
  18. Students should not deface the school premises with toffee wrappers, polypacks etc.